Working From Home
Alot of us are working at home alongside our spouses, how do you explain your sudden absence? Surely suspicions will be raised ..??!!
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Comments (106)
Funseeker997 - 03 Aug, 2020 - 08:29AM
As usual where there’s a will there’s a way.
When departing for a skin on skin session with IE I always say “ off to XYZ and will be calling in at the gym on the way home”... so no suspicions when a freshly scrubbed oh arrives back home .
Bit more complicated at the moment as gym showers are off limits.
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1387952 - 03 Aug, 2020 - 06:59AM
Thanks for the suggestions peeps, but I wasn't asking for myself. My hubby is at work during the day so I can come (cum?) and go as I please.
I was curious about those who do go for sex-meets whilst their partners are at home with them.
Unless no one has actually done so and everyone are only talking about meeting up for clothes-on dates so far?
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Halfeti - 02 Aug, 2020 - 11:29PM
Encourage your spouse to slip off to the shop, to walk the dog, check on a neighbour, go for a walk. My OH is disappearing all the time to put the rubbish out. God help me if I bump into him on here
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ExoticOrchid - 02 Aug, 2020 - 11:29PM
If showering at the hotel, you can clean yourself up pretty well without using their soap/shower gel and then have a proper shower at home ... after all, you have been at "work" all day so you don't want to go home looking too fresh with the "just showered" look, do you?
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M1o1xxx - 02 Aug, 2020 - 11:27PM
Oriental angel. I have a small vanity in the car for emergencies and breakdowns. You never know when you might need to stay over after a girls night. Always have an emergency bag pre IE but it comes in handy now. It has toiletries used at home so no different smellies.
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into the darkness - 02 Aug, 2020 - 10:06PM
@OrientalAngel80 - say you went to the gym for a big session. And guess what, they have new complimentary shower gel there now... Who knew! :)
1393321 - 02 Aug, 2020 - 10:00PM
Having an allotment is the best reason to get out of the house!! You have to pop down to water things pretty regularly, which affords many opportunities for an illicit chat on the phone. And often, it all needs a golly good going over, and that can take ALL day! Who knows what a difference a day makes!
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1259339 - 02 Aug, 2020 - 07:39PM
Say you're shopping
1400042 - 02 Aug, 2020 - 07:20PM
A friend used to claim to visit me to sort out my IT issues as she is actually an IT consultant. I get a warning text telling "am dealing with your IT issues for the next 3 plus hours". Women natter time plus natter time and I lived 8 miles from her!
1397366 - 02 Aug, 2020 - 06:22PM
OrientaAngel80... cum breath 🤣🤣🤣
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