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How quickly can a meeting become sexual?

How quickly should a meet move on to sexual contact, heavy petting inside clothing before full sex for example, and has anyne went to a meet with good intentions of not being too quick, and then got carried away with the excitement of the moment?

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Comments (133)

Paula99 - 07 Jan, 2022 - 05:26AM

I was chatting to a guy and said I have a few *errands* to run...he was laughing he hadn't heard that for yonks...😆

1491717 - 07 Jan, 2022 - 12:05AM

I would say just go with how you feel at the time.

There are no rules.

Handsomeman1974 - 06 Jan, 2022 - 11:53PM

Heavy petting lmao not heard that term since I was 12
I guess if your both up for it ,it will happen
If one of you isnt it wont
I cant work out if your question is due nerves from performane anexity or gaggeing and cant wait to shake hands say hello wait 15 minutes and get on with some serious heavey petting and after 20 minutes much much more lol

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Sugarbushmaker - 06 Jan, 2022 - 04:26PM

The connection counts, I don't say the f word, it's making love, and you want to make love as if you are utterly and totally in love with the person.

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1480807 - 06 Jan, 2022 - 09:49AM

It all depends on the individuals. Some are slow burners and some have needs there is no one size fits all.
I think what's important is that we should all communicate what we would like and what we don't want before meeting.

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1323413 - 06 Jan, 2022 - 09:14AM

I guess it depends. For me chemistry is everything, if that’s not there then nothing will happen. I couldn’t just have a couple of messages and meet someone (assume sex) and that’s it.

It all depends on the chat and chemistry. I have fucked on the first date a few times. Sounds bad I know but just being honest.

I think as long as the respect and openness there then what’s the issue. Two consenting adults. A similar scenario to if you were on a night out and got on with someone; would you take it further?

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The13thdukeofwybourne - 05 Jan, 2022 - 10:07PM

Was intro'd to a very sexy woman on here via a friend last year. Within 2 days (lots of talking in between) we had a naughty video, we met up the following Monday (5 days later) to check each other out properly. There were kisses. The following day she met me in a hotel and we fucked like bunnies. Sometimes things move fast. Lack of covid restrictions at the time helped.

Paula99 - 05 Jan, 2022 - 06:14PM

For some it's better not to have sex the first time you meet....if he/she likes you then there will be a second date..plus sleeping with lots of people isn't good for your mental health...you will soon notice if there is no chemistry but some are a work in progress or reserved or...just not ready for the hot action 😉
When you kiss him/her its a good indication.

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AndyPandy96 - 05 Jan, 2022 - 05:44PM

Whenever it feels right... I won't deny it hasn't happened quickly on occasions and taken time on others

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Gr33nday - 05 Jan, 2022 - 05:20PM

I went on a meet and was very restrained. We walked and chatted and got on really well. After the meet I drove home and there was a message waiting saying she didn't believe I was that interested as I didn't try it on. Online chat all went a bit downhill from there on and we never met up again. It's a strange world....

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