How quickly can a meeting become sexual?
How quickly should a meet move on to sexual contact, heavy petting inside clothing before full sex for example, and has anyne went to a meet with good intentions of not being too quick, and then got carried away with the excitement of the moment?
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Comments (165)
Three Little Words - 20 Jan, 2025 - 02:22PM
About 45 seconds. Longer if the Travelodge receptionist can’t find the key…
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Tykeman1961 - 25 May, 2024 - 10:18AM
I’d just like to have a meet. Been chatting to some lovely ladies but that’s as far as I get….need some advice
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Paula99 - 04 May, 2024 - 12:26PM
The use of the 70.s expression ‘heavy petting ‘ reminds me of a sign I used to see in the swimming pools when I was younger
A complete list of ‘ dont dos’ …complete with drawings to indicate the above …( gives me the the ick) …but people respected the rules….I E should come with guidelines…might be better all round …😂
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Amandi1712 - 16 Apr, 2024 - 09:16PM
It depends in why you are together is for pure sex, is it for connection, is it to build a longer term thing.
The key is to not presume anything and go with the flow, communicate and build up trust. Just enjoy their company and if you connect then things will happen at their own pace. Key is not to push it, and take your time.
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midlife-pleasures - 14 Apr, 2024 - 12:35PM
Is there one fixed answer to this? I doubt it. One of the joys of meeting someone new can be the unpredictability, the anticipation of what may or may not happen.
Sometimes you may have been chatting for ages, building up the tension and you both know things will happen within minutes of meeting. Other times you may spend a few dates getting to know that person.
It’s all valid, and all fun…
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Mrlover1230000 - 12 Apr, 2024 - 10:06PM
Depends on how you both flirted before the meeting up? Like I’ve casually gone to a meet with a girl before and it wasn’t flirtatious at all and once we started speaking we starting throwing a few cheeky comments here and there and one thing led to another we both made a comment on how good of a kisser we were, then we both said show me…
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1661271 - 08 Apr, 2024 - 08:12PM
Find out over a nice relaxing meal and see if the sparks fly
A nice little kiss would be a good sign unless it’s a peck on the cheek
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Lainsborough - 05 Apr, 2024 - 12:39PM
Oh dear Oh dear. I prefer to judge all from my early-era Edwardian perspectives. One must not expect too much on a first date. Bringing condoms, for instance, is presumptive - but also safe. I went on a second date from here - and we both telegraphed our early Edwardian proclivities over drinks - before she took me to her room and shagged the life out of me. She brought the protection - I brought the awkwardness! Memories were had all around xx
Naughty&Spice - 05 Apr, 2024 - 12:25PM
As soon as both parties are ready for it . Be it within minutes of meeting or a longer slow burn . Who really cares apart from the two people it concerns . As long as consensual it’s no one else’s business and who gives a damn about what is the right thing and socially acceptable amount of time . We are all here for the same reason
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