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What do we really disclose?

Meeting a new person is always exciting. However most of us are meeting illicitly. What are your boundaries when disclosing personal details? Do we reveal our full names, places of work, give details about our family? What type of information are you willing to share? How much is too much?

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Comments (70)

FluffyClouds - 14 Oct, 2023 - 02:18PM

Having had a couple of men admit they have tried to find me online by searching for me via my phone number, I'm more inclined to not give too much away in the early weeks. Some take their bat and ball home but that's their problem really.

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1628887 - 12 Oct, 2023 - 10:57AM

I would keep it about me and me alone. No last names or personal info about my family.

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Naughty in NW - 11 Oct, 2023 - 08:05PM


I can only speak for myself of course, but I'd prefer to describe it as being cautious rather than suspicious. After all, the vast majority of us on here have a lot to lose if the shit hits the fan. Hence the importance of discretion.

Shag behind the pub ?. Naahh.....not for me. Just want a mutually respectful relationship. Perhaps I've misunderstood your post?

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1627611 - 11 Oct, 2023 - 07:42PM

My flabber is gasted by the comments on here. You’re all so suspicious! I guess if your idea of heaven is a shag behind the pub, then fine, but really?!

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Naughty in NW - 10 Oct, 2023 - 08:06PM

I think what we are prepared to disclose correlates to what type of relationship we are hoping to find on here.

If you are seeking a very casual relationship you might not wish to disclose much at all about yourself. And I guess the expectation to do so it's not really going to be there.

However, if you are looking for a longer term relationships where intimacy involves really getting to know each other, and understand your partner's reason for being here, you might want to share more personal stuff. Each to their own, as long as both your expectations/reservations to share are respected.

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princeofpassion69 - 09 Oct, 2023 - 08:24PM

I think only disclose what you’re comfortable with at the start. There are no hard and fast rules (as it were!), but the main thing is to have fun and feel safe and comfortable with each other. If it’s for you, it won’t go by you, right?

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Toffee.macchiato4 - 09 Oct, 2023 - 07:51PM

It’s strange here
I have a unique name so I don’t reveal it early on in chats. It’s none of ur business till we meet😁 Genuinely a guys personal business is none of mine till we coffee. Then my curiousity is piqued. 🤔
I’ll ask lots of questions but I suspect a guy will only tell me what he wants me to know
I have no problem with that at all
Occupation is a good start though seems less invasive somehow 🙂

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1622864 - 09 Oct, 2023 - 07:38PM

I had a ridiculous incident with this type of thing on Friday. Someone I thought might be a match started chatting and quite early on revealed her name which just happened to be exactly the same as my wife’s name. This, coupled with other similar details in her profile made me a bit cautious so I held back from offering my name, until I could be sure that my two worlds had not somehow merged. In a very short time I was being accused of being a very nasty politician, which could not be further from the truth… This can be a very weird place… but still, I come back for more.

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1628321 - 09 Oct, 2023 - 07:04PM

It’s a difficult question to answer
You are both consenting adults. Hopefully ironically trustworthy and have already set a few boundaries before you meet.
Although reality is, best keep details a minimum which is difficult as most people are curious and want to ask lots of questions.

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1104299 - 09 Oct, 2023 - 06:54PM

Intuition will tell you whether it’s right or not, until then I keep most details at arms length. I’m very reluctant when the ‘show me your picture’ type ask for a picture at the 2nd message…. I’ve no idea who I’m talking to so why would I send my face over?! Granted I’m not everyone’s cup of tea looks wise, but still… it could be anyone at the other end!

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