When will I see you again?
I have met 4 beautiful ladies in the past few months since joining IE. I enjoyed all my meets enough to have a second date but have subsequently been ghosted and rejected by all of them. I have another first meet arranged next week. What can I do to increase my chances of a second meet and hopefully a longer term IE?
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Comments (73)
rarity23 - 05 Feb, 2025 - 11:58AM
If you are getting dates, and second dates, then maybe it is your approach.
You could be too pushy, or too slow in coming forward.
I'm assuming your pics are recent and you are true to your profile and not fake in any way.
Only you know really, but maybe try a different approach next time :)
I normally know through messages how the date will go and if it's likely to progress.
Good luck, you'll get there !
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Black&White Orchid77 - 03 Feb, 2025 - 09:49PM
It could be something you say that you are unaware of, that could be putting the ladies off.
marklondonengland - 03 Feb, 2025 - 08:42AM
Everyone has been ghosted, but if the past four women have ghosted you then it's time to look in the mirror... it's not them is it?
Zambezirock - 02 Feb, 2025 - 02:23PM
I am new here so can't comment but I am hoping to meet someone and go on a date
PoundCakeRecipe - 02 Feb, 2025 - 11:35AM
It might be worth being critical of yourself given you have been "ghosted" 4 times now... I'm sure you are not being entirely honest or you simply have the charisma of a smoked haddock.
The only time i have ever deliberately ghosted a woman is when she turned up and was 15+ years older than her photos and was nothing like her physical description. There is a limit to embellishing the truth.
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Enigma.. - 02 Feb, 2025 - 08:47AM
I agree with ExoticOrchid…
Meet sooner rather than later.
In my experience the longer the messaging etc goes on… I’ve found the more likely they are to ghost you or loose interest and move on to someone else.
Having posted that though…
There are several males who seem to be reluctant to meet sooner rather than later and I’m the one that starts to loose interest.
A meet for a coffee or drinks is all it takes.
If it leads to a second date… great.
If it doesn’t… simply part as friends and move on.
Just be yourself.
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ExoticOrchid - 02 Feb, 2025 - 01:33AM
BigJay123 - 11:49PM
Hence my motto "meet ASAP" before that fantasy becomes too entrenched in the mind if messaging for too long.
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1745207 - 01 Feb, 2025 - 11:49PM
We build up a narrative of what we read and then have a picture in our head to whom this person may be. A fantasy of a person. I'm real life you meet the person whom up to then has been virtual. It is likely most of us will not live up to this. Maybe underplay yourself in messages. Keep the sexy, interesting, allure until the meet.
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restless1 - 01 Feb, 2025 - 06:45PM
It's all part of the modern dating experience. Even getting dumped something to be grateful for apparently.
1739752 - 31 Jan, 2025 - 06:37PM
Generally there’s always going to be different factors and not always a you thing that’s not led to a second date. Ghosting isn’t great but as we get older, it’s apparently easily done for many people but I would jut take it personally. Treating things casually is great but also maybe look into what you’re doing that is not leading to a second date. Were you pushy? Were you talking over them? Manners? Etc…it can be something small and considering people are risking things enough they want to be sure you’re worth it.
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