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How do you know?

I am iffing and umming about taking the plunge and having an affair. I've met someone I really like, and now we want to take it to the next level. How can I be sure this is the right thing for me... I've never done anything like this before.

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Comments (223)

1430498 - 11 Jan, 2021 - 06:37AM

I think that very much depends on what you do! I think you need to talk to someone on the phone then meet, it isn’t until you look into someone’s eyes that you really know if you like them or not.

But if you are talking about sexual consent, well if you are in bed with the person I would assume you decided or agreed to be there, doesn’t mean you can’t change your mind or tell them you can’t go through with it.

1354244 - 10 Jan, 2021 - 01:00AM

Well... if you are not sure.... is that really consent?

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Doc Johnson - 09 Jan, 2021 - 04:06PM

You can't be sure until to try. It's like ordering desert, you don't really know that you'll like it until you've had a really good taste. If you don't like it then avoid ordering puddings in future.

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1393321 - 09 Jan, 2021 - 03:54PM


I never thought about email, thank you :-)

1117169 - 08 Jan, 2021 - 11:17PM

@Rose Bud

Yes I did both to IE and the regulator.

Admin is very keen to stop this kind of thing and usually acts promptly.

Another one to watch is being asked too quickly to e.mail off site. There are people harvesting e.mail addresses and then using them for phishing or selling them to scammers. This is why using kik or similar is highly recommended.

Genuine people are usually very happy to talk on the phone when mutual trust has been established followed by a face to face meeting soon after.

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1393321 - 08 Jan, 2021 - 08:06PM


Oh my goodness! Premium phone line (££££)! That's awful! Did you report it?

I hope this site is responsible in dealing with people like that!

1117169 - 08 Jan, 2021 - 07:57PM

@Rose Bud

What you prefer to do is very much like what I do and sounds fine to me.

I am suspicious about ladies who want you to call them on their " Mobiles" almost immediately. I had my fingers burned (£££££££ ) once and will never do it again. I would always Google the number first.

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1393321 - 08 Jan, 2021 - 07:47PM


But.....if a man messages me once or twice and wants quickly to move to kik I get suspicious...why doesn't he want to get to know me a bit on here?

I think a week on here, a week on kik and then a phone chat and then a meet. If he's too quick too move to kik I back off. I want a little time to assess the connection. I'm not going to move to kik if I don't think the connection is there. And certainly not meet him.

And all the time I'm a genuine lady...

1372663 - 07 Jan, 2021 - 10:05PM

Thanks everyone for your comments
I was beginning to think it was just me.
Really appreciate the feedback

1117169 - 07 Jan, 2021 - 03:12PM


Genuine ladies who intend to meet are usually very happy to stop chatting on here, at least for the time being, and talk on Kik ( Or whatever) instead as its discreet and very convenient.

Those that are reluctant to do so usually want to stay on here so they can keep chatting to lots of guys without their cover being blown.

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