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How do you know?

I am iffing and umming about taking the plunge and having an affair. I've met someone I really like, and now we want to take it to the next level. How can I be sure this is the right thing for me... I've never done anything like this before.

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Comments (223)

1430017 - 07 Jan, 2021 - 03:05PM

I’m happily married but have reached the point that I need some excitement and sex with a new partner for real spark

hazle-eyes - 07 Jan, 2021 - 01:39PM

The way I saw it was I felt unhappy in a non physical relationship so I took the plunge a few years ago. I had tried everything to rekindle the fire in my marriage but after years of no physical contact I decided unless I made different decisions life would remain the same. I should add I have been with my wife since I was 15 so this was a big move for me.

I didn’t feel guilty because I had tried everything and wow I loved ever second, it wasn’t just the physical side it was feeling wanted again and listening abs learning from each other. Alas like most good things we couldn’t keep it going because of both our work commitments. She is still a great friend and I have never regretted it.

1427744 - 07 Jan, 2021 - 12:32PM

Interesting comments about vanishing ladies (I am sure men do it too).

Deeply frustrating

It happened to me a couple of years ago when I was here. Lots of chat, shared pics, more chat, “shall we move to Kik?” - silence

What I didn’t tell her when she shared her pic was that she had shared that pic under a different profile (in many respects) had vanished previously, 2 years on, did exactly the same

Makes we wonder all sorts of things.

Hey ho. On we go

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Respectful_Caring - 07 Jan, 2021 - 08:56AM

Experience it and you still don't find going well. You might find me available

AliceH - 06 Jan, 2021 - 10:37PM

You can’t be sure really until you go for it. It’s a matter of weighing up the risk and reward. Questioning what you’re doing only makes you human 😊

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Live, life, love - 06 Jan, 2021 - 05:52PM

Hi, there are no guarantees in life especially on here.... Best not to have any expectations but if you've met someone and found mutual attraction have a couple more meets (not easy in lockdown😝) and then decide

onlylunch - 06 Jan, 2021 - 04:59PM

i think the best way to go about it is not to expect too much,i had an affair a few years ago with a lady who had just separated , we got on really well and had some good times but in the end it wasnt fair on her as she wanted more and more of my time and i just couldnt do it, if both of you are in a relationship and know the limitations id go for it , life is short x

Caroline Red - 06 Jan, 2021 - 04:15PM

i thought it was umming and ahhing. either way just get on with it. unles of course you want to beat yourself up first in which case catholic churches are still open i hear

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1421217 - 06 Jan, 2021 - 01:40PM

All I want to know is the original poster still offing and umming, considering this has been on since September and we’ve had bonfire night Xmas and another lockdown inbetween , yawn 🥱

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1382700 - 06 Jan, 2021 - 12:26PM


Someone talking sense. Cheating starts with chatting. Other half will be hurt regardless.

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