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When should you end it?

So, you have been seeing your perfect affair partner for a few months and then you notice that what was once a steamy affair with both parties being really into it, is now just like your relationship with your OH with you trying your best to keep them interested and constantly wondering if you are actually ‘one of many’ after-all.

Yes, they show up for their ‘once per week’ as promised, but whereas before they would stay a while, they are out the door straight away due to ‘work commitments’!

Is now the time to part ways? This is exactly what is missing, necessitating the need for an affair in the first place!

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Comments (241)

Pink Eiga - 22 Jun, 2023 - 02:38PM

I think a few months is only the start of things to be honest, and it is only after the novel stage that you can evaluate whether this is just a fun thing or something potentially substantial.

Looks like the fun aspect has worn off in the OP’s case. Time to move on.

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1408586 - 22 Jun, 2023 - 02:05PM

Thank you Dotty

Sometimes best advice is hard to follow 😉 but after a few months and no longer fun… no brainer!!

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1529050 - 22 Jun, 2023 - 01:52PM

Beckysharp - 22 Jun, 2023 - 01:40PM

Well said Becky x

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1604745 - 22 Jun, 2023 - 01:47PM

In the menu called life, you are a side dish. Something someone orders regularly because they like the look of it and its tasty but you will never be the main.

There are men/women out ther that enjoy a couple of mains and can handle both without feeling guilty of over eating. Maybe you need someone like that?

...or maybe i am just hungry.

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1408586 - 22 Jun, 2023 - 01:40PM

I disagree slightly laugar164

An affair is a purely selfish indulgence. It doesn’t really matter what reasons there are for this behaviour. If someone is walking away immediately after sex that is disrespectful at best and using you at worst.

What would be the benefit of continuing?

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laugar164 - 22 Jun, 2023 - 12:56PM

The partnership/ affair need to be 50/50 once one person is not putting in the effort it will only go one way

I would have a chat with the person to see what's wrong
And to see if you can get back on track it maybe they have other problems in there life and they are more of a priority
Just remembered it's an affair if it's not working you need to re evaluate . Do you really want to put your relationship at risk for something that's not working

1596777 - 22 Jun, 2023 - 12:32PM

Doesn't sound as though you'd met your 'perfect' affair partner after all.
A case of mistaken identity.

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AdorableOne - 22 Jun, 2023 - 12:11PM

If they are trying to get out of the room asap then its become a transactional relationship and if you aren't happy with that, call it a day.

The person may also want to end it but doesn't want to be the one seen to break up, so hoping you will call it.

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1529050 - 22 Jun, 2023 - 12:05PM

Also I would be pretty disappointed if the flame had burned out after just a few months too (I guess as the OP saw their IE once a week it could be a probability)

An affair should be fun, sexy, passionate with both of you wanting the best from it - it should be the same on both sides, it should not feel like an effort.

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1529050 - 22 Jun, 2023 - 10:30AM

If you feel you have to keep "them interested" then I feel it is over - what about them keeping your interested !!

I think for me, I tend to see the writing is on the wall when the just do not have the time and messages in between fade out, for me then best to bow out gracefully.

Also, if neither of you are putting the effort of the commitment, then it could be time to move all we all know affairs have longevity, and it is the excitement that we crave, once that has gone be brave call it a day.

BTW what is this "once a week" the OP speaks of.... I have no idea how I would fit in a regular once a week liaison......

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