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When should you end it?

So, you have been seeing your perfect affair partner for a few months and then you notice that what was once a steamy affair with both parties being really into it, is now just like your relationship with your OH with you trying your best to keep them interested and constantly wondering if you are actually ‘one of many’ after-all.

Yes, they show up for their ‘once per week’ as promised, but whereas before they would stay a while, they are out the door straight away due to ‘work commitments’!

Is now the time to part ways? This is exactly what is missing, necessitating the need for an affair in the first place!

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Comments (241)

Sachkie61 - 22 Jun, 2023 - 10:10AM

Yes I would definitely move on I’m new to this but once the excitement and spark has fizzled then maybe it is time as to be honest that’s why we are on here hope all goes well .

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