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When should you end it?

So, you have been seeing your perfect affair partner for a few months and then you notice that what was once a steamy affair with both parties being really into it, is now just like your relationship with your OH with you trying your best to keep them interested and constantly wondering if you are actually ‘one of many’ after-all.

Yes, they show up for their ‘once per week’ as promised, but whereas before they would stay a while, they are out the door straight away due to ‘work commitments’!

Is now the time to part ways? This is exactly what is missing, necessitating the need for an affair in the first place!

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Comments (241)

FluffyClouds - 17 Jun, 2024 - 04:33PM

If you no longer feel excited about seeing them, end it. It's become mundane and like a chore.

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Paula99 - 17 Jun, 2024 - 03:10PM

One more thing…

If the sex leaves you feeling unsatisfied….look elsewhere 😂

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Paula99 - 17 Jun, 2024 - 03:09PM

You should end it when…

1….when it becomes complicated and it spills into your own life.
2…when you find it difficult to meet up with endless cancellations.
3…when you stop looking forward to your meets.
4… when your circumstances change at home/work.
5…if your partner finds out.
6…if you suspect someone who knows your partner has seen you with your affair.
7…If it’s making you unhappy.
8… If you can’t stand the guilt.
9..If one of you wants more than the other can give.
10…If you are in a situation where your affair is abusing his/her power.

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1669370 - 17 Jun, 2024 - 03:00PM

When the fun stops, stop

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EbonyDesires - 17 Jun, 2024 - 01:25PM

I guess when you start the affair you need to be clear what style of affair you are wanting. That sets the boundaries. Then if it changes you are clear it’s time to go.

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Purple dreamer - 17 Jun, 2024 - 08:39AM

If it's just the sexual encounter your after then if that is good then no harm for either parties but if you want a old fashioned affair of friendship connection friendship and not just sex then think you will know when it is time to part ways

marklondonengland - 07 Nov, 2023 - 01:49PM

It depends. If you really do just want (and need) the sex then it is quite transactional anyway - finish and go. However, I think that what most people here really want is not just the sex itself, but the excitement and thrill of seeing that someone desires them. Seeing that a lover is excited to be with you is the passion that most here seem to be missing... so if your lover just finishes and then heads to the door it isn't going to work. I think if you reach the point where you no longer make an effort, are no longer excited to see each other, or you are getting too close and had promised to never let it affect a marriage - these are all reasons to end it...

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Alexis162 - 27 Sep, 2023 - 10:26PM

It’s just companionship you want and some sex talk rubbish about life then go home no need to be clingy as we both know we need to go back to our lives

Alexis162 - 27 Sep, 2023 - 10:26PM

It’s just companionship you want and some sex talk rubbish about life then go home no need to be clingy as we both know we need to go back to our lives

Alexis162 - 27 Sep, 2023 - 10:26PM

It’s just companionship you want and some sex talk rubbish about life then go home no need to be clingy as we both know we need to go back to our lives

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