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When should you end it?

So, you have been seeing your perfect affair partner for a few months and then you notice that what was once a steamy affair with both parties being really into it, is now just like your relationship with your OH with you trying your best to keep them interested and constantly wondering if you are actually ‘one of many’ after-all.

Yes, they show up for their ‘once per week’ as promised, but whereas before they would stay a while, they are out the door straight away due to ‘work commitments’!

Is now the time to part ways? This is exactly what is missing, necessitating the need for an affair in the first place!

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Comments (241)

Funguy77 - 23 Aug, 2023 - 02:47PM

You should end it when you come home and find there’s a pot on the boil and the bunny is missing 🫣

1588157 - 19 Aug, 2023 - 03:00PM


"Honey, more a nightmare acrually ... 😱"

dont fight it embrace your inner accountant

Delicious Chaos - 15 Aug, 2023 - 04:12PM


I disagree somewhat, you can be on social media without exposing your name, family photos etc. it’s all about having your settings up to the hilt and watching what you post, who can friend you etc.

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ExoticOrchid - 15 Aug, 2023 - 02:55PM

* actually

ExoticOrchid - 15 Aug, 2023 - 02:50PM

AO - 12:07PM

Honey, more a nightmare acrually ... 😱

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AdorableOne - 15 Aug, 2023 - 12:07PM

Still dreaming about me ExoticOrchid?? :p

Scary Storytime. One time my then mistress spotted my parents and sent me a pic of them walking down the street. Just so happened that my parents were shopping 40miles away from their home and my mistress was 20miles away from her home.. just happened to be in the same place at the same time!

The chances of that are so remote its unthinkable and my mistress had only ever seen a couple of pictures of them, that I'd sent from xmas gatherings that kind of thing.

Could have gone a different way, if we hadn't had complete trust in each other. I don't think it makes any difference whether single or married, there are some strange people around and you need to be mindful for at least the first few months.

I've had addresses of IEs but they have given them to me for that moment in time and part of the "affair code" for me, is never mess in someones relationship, keep things private, integrity should be the norm, regardless of how the relationship ends.

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1529050 - 15 Aug, 2023 - 09:46AM

Enigma.. - 15 Aug, 2023 - 07:05AM

I agree it is very easy to find out about someone - even a simple reverse google image on a photo.

Once I get to know someone I obv share a few things - and form those things I am sure if someone googled me I would come up.

I think it is human nature to be nosey about your potential IE, but I think we have to remember there are people out there who are less than scrupulous and we do need to be careful... someone asking for sexy explicit photos almost immediately is a def no now from me, whilst I like an early pw exchange, now it is only after a few messages are exchanged I am not giving it to you in the first message.

I think it is like if you met someone in a bar you would not suddenly spurt our your full name, occupation, address, flash them your boobs - so just be the same as that online. If they do not respect that then move on ... Next...

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Enigma.. - 15 Aug, 2023 - 07:05AM

I had a similar experience earlier this year.
My potential Ie and I were chatting on the phone when he mentioned, by accident, my surname.
I hadn’t mentioned my surname to him and don’t ever to anyone else that may be a potential Ie or became one.
After that I began to wonder how he had found out? He insisted that I had told him. I hadn’t.
I was also more wary about what I was typing and saying when we communicated after that day.
A week went past and I just felt that my trust in him had gone.
There were a couple of other red flags as well.
At the end of the week I made up my mind I had to get “out”.
I ended up having to block him not only on the site but on WhatsApp, telegram and elsewhere.
Word to the wise people…. If you are on Facebook, Instagram, twitter etc… be aware that someone can screenshot your family photos and discover your surname if they choose to.

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Legs&Eyes - 12 Aug, 2023 - 07:38PM

I think it's possible to totally disclose who you are, what you are, where you are - it absolutely depends on the trust, discretion and overall connection between the 2 involved...

I would hate for trust to become an issue - yes Im single, but my personal values are about honesty, my career is about working in that space and my overall character is just one of honest exchanges. Bullshit is not in my character and I'm very direct, but Im very aware of my reasons for being here... its an unusual story, it entirely explains my reasoning... but the intentions for me are about building a strong connection for whatever duration it exists, and to a certain extent that relies (for me) on my feeling trusted, and to be able to trust.

If I felt I needed to keep my wits about me, and be in self-protect mode - then its not the right IE connection for me.

But I get that we are all very different, with different drivers....

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Pink Eiga - 12 Aug, 2023 - 06:09PM

If I don’t give my surname or my professional details, I wouldn’t expect him to give his.

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