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21st century dating

In the 21st century does a persons ethnicity, race, religion or skin colour play an important role in deciding if he/she could be your possible IE partner?

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Comments (56)

Spicy Asian - 07 Dec, 2024 - 09:40AM

it does, we all have likes and dislikes, but you have to allow for that. I'm never offended if my race doesn't appeal to some - but i know it's a huge turn on to others so it balances out

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boav91 - 07 Dec, 2024 - 08:10AM

So as my profile says I am a second generation Indian and proud of my heritage. Both the country where my family originates from and the country of my birth and the only one I know. The thing is if you spoke to me or went out eyes closed, there is no way you would know the colour of my skin.

I have no problem people not fancying me as that is just life we are attracted to all sorts of things, but I want to be judged on who I am, my personality, what I bring to relationships and not just because I have a little more pigment than others.

Growing up in the 70 and 80’s the discrimination was far more prevalent, and it is way better but it is still there. My kids who are also brown although mixed race as their mum is white, still get it now and my son gets told to go home. What back to south London where he was born!

Thankfully it is way better but still hurtful when discrimination is so explicit. I don’t expect everyone to like me but judge me for who I am not something I have no control over.

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Littlebird361 - 06 Dec, 2024 - 04:31PM

As Ali G said
"Wot if she was well fit though?"

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1722496 - 05 Dec, 2024 - 02:40PM

I think it does tbh I wouldn’t be offended if a man of colour wasn’t attracted to me because I was white, or because I have darker European features rather than an English rose, I’m not gonna be everyone’s cup of tea and so be it. I don’t think you can help who you are and aren’t attracted to. Chastising someone for not being attracted to a specific race is like chastising them for not being attracted to all genders imo

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1711728 - 05 Dec, 2024 - 02:24PM

I don't think ethnicity, race and skin colour do at all, no. Everyone is an individual in that regard, and attractiveness is subjective, rather than subject to objective categorisation.

Religion is I think quite important in a long term relationship, but not for an affair, no. That's for me - everyone will be different.

PassionateBeyondTheDesk - 05 Dec, 2024 - 01:03PM

@clickable connection

Been on those shoes...

incredible vibe, you're getting along really well... the very next message after sharing pws... "not what I'm looking for." "not my type"
Or just.. 👻 after that

🤦‍♂️specially the ones that say "it's about the connection for me" 🤷‍♂️

😅😅 go figure

Pusspusspuss - 05 Dec, 2024 - 12:41PM


marklondonengland - 05 Dec, 2024 - 12:35PM

It's interesting that the question combines all these attributes as one thing - as if race and religion are all in the same bucket. Would a woman seeking a white male then reject him if he were Jewish? Or a women looking for a black guy runs a mile when they find he is Muslim? Or maybe, culture, race, and religion are all different things?

If I see a woman with 'white men only' on their profile then I know that I should avoid her - even though I am white. I know people qualify it by saying 'it's just my personal preference of who I find attractive', but we all know what they are really saying. I don't want to meet anyone that narrow-minded.

When I am looking for a woman, there are many more important attributes than race. If I find someone smart, funny, interesting, and attractive then why would I suddenly say 'oh, she is the wrong colour, even though everything else is perfect...' It sounds absurd, because it is.

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Clickable Connection - 05 Dec, 2024 - 11:25AM

It's very interesting this thread.

I have to agree with most folks here - race/colour makes not blinding difference to me - as long as there is some attraction, physical or otherwise.

I also hate those profiles that say "I want to try X ethnic group" that's so cringe 😬

Having said all of that , it's quite clear there are lots of profiles who clearly state "white males only" , "big black bulls only" - but I pass them by.

Being a person of ethnic heritage, I've seen it all - if they don't state their ethnic "preference" , they do it in a passive way.

Eg - picture this , we been chatting well , good vibes , and then we exchange photos , this is the reply I get "you are handsome looking, lovely build , but not my type "

Hmmm - you like the way I look and my body , and we get along well, so what dont you like ? .....ah yes you've found out I'm not white

Don't bother me , way I see it is you're missing out 😁😂

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1723953 - 05 Dec, 2024 - 11:21AM

Not at all.
By far the bigger barrier seems to be getting to talk to people in the first place.

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