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21st century dating

In the 21st century does a persons ethnicity, race, religion or skin colour play an important role in deciding if he/she could be your possible IE partner?

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Comments (56)

Exotic Minx - 05 Dec, 2024 - 10:55AM

I feel it makes a difference, especially when from similar cultures as there’s a more indepth understanding of restrictions etc
But , equally, connecting with someone from a different background is just as meaningful too if you both vibe well

1599994 - 05 Dec, 2024 - 10:31AM

I have found that when chaps realise my ethnicity they are often no longer interested.

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MrRite1812 - 05 Dec, 2024 - 10:30AM

No, I don't care about any of those things apart from religion, I say don't care...it's great to meet people from different backgrounds

Tallandspicy - 05 Dec, 2024 - 10:04AM

I have a couple of friends who are asian, and believe me, they absolutely struggle to find white women to date. I feel for them, as they are funny, decent looking and have bags of character, but when a white woman sees that darker skin, they run a mile (for the most part).

DiscreteMeets - 05 Dec, 2024 - 09:15AM

I’d say it doesn’t make the slightest bit of difference with reference to attraction? I’m a real foodie and love my wine; while this may be a little controversial I fancy eating some things on some days and others on other days lol. It doesn’t mean I can however ;(

An aesthetic or taste can accommodate lots of likes and just because it may not encompass everything it doesn’t mean it’s wrong?

Tiger89 - 29 Dec, 2023 - 07:31PM

I am religious. At least at heart. I think it would be exciting and interesting to be with someone of a different faith, or of no faith.

Nadia747 - 29 Dec, 2023 - 05:19PM

Yes sometimes it matters as you don't want to go with a married religious man who washes themselves up to 4 times a night after every sex session.

1586700 - 21 Dec, 2023 - 10:55PM

Of course they will, in the sense that you will be attracted to whom you are attracted to, and that is determined by your tastes and whatever your own 'perve swerve' is. This is determined within your cultural/social milieu.

When you are getting to more mutable characteristics such as belief (religion/philosophy/politics - all sometimes intertwined) ,you would need to know the substantive reality as labels don't define them sufficiently.

1639646 - 21 Dec, 2023 - 07:35PM

Other than the fact that I have to be physically attracted to a person for a relationship to take place then I'd say no.

However, religious zealots of any persuasion are a big red flag for me.

I can't see what the 21st century has to do with it though. The implication is that if you're "woke" then you'll jump into bed with anyone out of an obligation to be inclusive.

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Awordsmith - 23 Nov, 2023 - 09:26PM

Chemistry is an elusive, inexplicable unicorn 🦄 . It is a magical, mystical mix of elements in which ethnicity, skin tone, accent, religion, etc might feature. Or not. Or might be completely eclipsed by personality/ sense of humour/ wit. Or perhaps just a dazzling smile 😊

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