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21st century dating

In the 21st century does a persons ethnicity, race, religion or skin colour play an important role in deciding if he/she could be your possible IE partner?

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Comments (56)

Parallel Passion - 18 Nov, 2023 - 10:09PM

You like what you like. We seem to accept that people can have all kinds of romantic and sexual preferences in other regards, so why can’t we in this one?

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merchant12 - 18 Nov, 2023 - 05:21PM

None whatsover if share same values

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Purple dreamer - 18 Nov, 2023 - 10:39AM

It shouldn't but most likely does

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Paula99 - 17 Nov, 2023 - 07:46PM


Yes it applies to both sexes too …😕

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1630592 - 16 Nov, 2023 - 06:41PM

I like to treat everyone the way I want to be treated... That's not just on this site but in life in general..
Which means I respect your views, opinions, preferences etc etc
However if you have some specific tastes and I am not 'your cup of tea' it doesn't hurt to be polite to say so.
We are all here on this planet (and hopefully on this site!) for a short time & not for a long time..
So make it count and be good to all other human beings 😊

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DefinitelyMightBe - 16 Nov, 2023 - 10:23AM

Could not care less about somebody’s race, creed or colour. That goes for anything in life, not just in dating/affairs. There is only one human race.

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Paula99 - 15 Nov, 2023 - 11:24AM

EO …TBH…Dotty ..

Great posts👍

1529050 - 15 Nov, 2023 - 10:36AM

EO and TBH - great comments and agree with both you.

Also if you, are not attracted to a person, you are not attracted to them, I think if I saw like has been said below - White females only on a profile - I would scroll by........ If the person shows me a photo and I am not attracted, I think you look lovely but not my type is a nice response - I have said that and had similar said to me - we will not be everyone's cup of tea - but your Earl Grey or Yorkshire or Darjeeling will be out there.

I am lucky living in London, such a cosmopolitan city - I take the person for the person and I hope others would extend me the same courtesy,

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1494077 - 15 Nov, 2023 - 09:41AM

As do I.

And conversely, as off putting as the ones who gush about ‘ethnic women’, are the ones who play the race card to either market themselves or to put a guilt trip on you in the face of rejection.

ExoticOrchid - 15 Nov, 2023 - 12:27AM

Somniata - 12:01AM

Totally agree with your last sentence! 👍

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